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Bicyclist Who Crashed Into Pedestrian Convicted of Felony Manslaughter

bikeA San Francisco man has become the first bicyclist in the United States ever to be convicted of felony vehicular manslaughter for plowing through an intersection and colliding with a man who later died of his injuries.

The case is interesting for the precedent it sets regarding the legal responsibilities of bicyclists, who may face serious criminal charges for failing to ride their bikes responsibly.

Business Owner Criticized for Not Firing in Person 

Being an employer these days can be tricky. The job requires constant juggling. Add to the mix the volatile economy, a litigious society and an employer can be on his toes much of the time, constantly juggling a million different things.

textBut Gregory Kennedy in Orlando, Florida isn’t getting much sympathy after he fired all his employees via a text message.  Perhaps that’s because he did this on the Fourth of July holiday. And he still owed them their last paycheck.

Certified Divorce Coaches Can Offer Expert Help

Some say a divorce coach can offer informed advice and hold your hand during the tough spots. Others say, “Don’t waste your money. That’s what friends are for.”

divorceWell, just what is a divorce coach? He or she can be many different things before, during and after your divorce. Confidante. Assistant. Financial planner. Logistics expert. It all depends on their area of expertise.

Judges Decide Requests on a Case by Case Basis

What you say on Facebook can and will be used against you.

facebookThat is, if a judge believes the request for someone’s Facebook postings is more than just a fishing expedition. Information gleaned from Facebook postings and other social media communications has been allowed as evidence when judges believe that the information is directly relevant to a case and not a blatant violation of someone’s privacy.

Apps Can Help With Advice, Scheduling and Emotional Issues

appA best friend can definitely help you tough out your divorce, but what do you do when your best bud isn’t available to help?

You may want to check out the latest apps designed to help people through their divorces. That’s right, applications (or apps, as they are better known) definitely go beyond the latest version of the Angry Birds game. Well beyond and into the realm of helping people navigate the ins-and-outs of divorce.

Supreme Court Says Fifth Amendment Must Be Invoked

Suspects who want the right to remain silent must first speak up.

policeThat’s the message from the Supreme Court in one of their recent rulings, which said that a suspect’s silence can be used against him or her unless that person has invoked the Fifth Amendment.

New Jersey Among States Where Police Use Photo Databases

Few, if any, guidelines are in place to guard against abuse of massive photo databases that authorities nationwide have been compiling in recent years.

crimeThe faces of more than 120 million people are contained in photo databases that police are increasingly relying on to help them identify suspects, witnesses and other bystanders.

Annulment Request Must Meet Certain Conditions

Kim Kardashian finally was able to close the books on her marriage to a basketball player after a legal battle that lasted about 19 months. She was married for less than three months.

gavelWhy did it take Kardashian so long to finalize a divorce on such a short marriage?

An Unpaid Internship Is Not Free Labor

It’s long been a tradition that college students can gain on-the-job training and experience through internships.

internsSome of these offer a modest wage. Others offer nothing at all. More often than not, internships are unpaid. Employers figure they are willing to spend time teaching a novice in exchange for . Interns figure they will gain valuable experience that will help them get a foot in the door of their chosen field.

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