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New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney Explains Your Options

https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mt50EigllXs/UU3R_yjRfuI/AAAAAAAADhs/vAOSfoiuApU/s320/Screen+Shot+2013-03-23+at+8.55.26+AM.pngWhether you intentionally chose not to attend or circumstances prevented you from arriving, the court does not accept any excuses.  You may have thought that missing the hearing would be easy to reschedule, not that big of a deal.  However, in the eyes of the court, missing a court hearing is a serious offense.  They assigned you a time to be there, and you failed to show up.  

This will most likely result in the court forfeiting your bond and issuing a warrant for your arrest.  The forfeiture of bail means that the money you pay to the court will not be returned to you.  Having a warrant out for your arrest means that you will arrested on the spot if stopped for a traffic offense, but more importantly, you can be arrested without notice at your home or place of employment.  

engagementringCrazy About Your New Spouse, BUT You Want a Prenup!

In this day of multiple marriages, we are all entering into our nuptials with a lot more “history.”  We may have substantial assets, large incomes, or one or both parties might have large outstanding debt.  It may not be romantic, but many couples today are choosing to be 100% committed on everything but the finances.  

Therefore, a common question people ask a divorce attorney in Bergen County such as Eric or Dolores Aretsky, is what things should be included in a prenuptial agreement? Your agreement should be tailored to your individual circumstances, but here are some things that should be covered: 

Divorce: Is This the Only Answer?

The day you got married, you said your vows wholeheartedly.  You knew this was the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.  You knew marriage would be difficult at times, but you had no idea it would ever come to the point where you would want out.

It’s probably easy to recall many wonderful times you have had together, but they are often overshadowed by the strain of all that has burdened your marriage for many months and even years.  You don’t know how to fix all that’s broken in your marriage, and wonder if divorce is the answer.  When you think of getting a divorce, the feelings are mixed.  You desire relief from the ongoing disagreements, cutting remarks, and emotional exhaustion.  On the other hand, you deeply love and care for this person you promised to love and cherish forever, and wonder if there’s another option?


Bergen County Personal Injury Attorneys Give You the Facts

Personal injury can be experienced as a result of someone else’s accidental or purposeful negligence, including:

  1. Physical Injuries:  You have suffered from one or more physical problems related to an incident that happened at work, at an amusement park, or while walking down the street.  Whether it happened directly or as a result of negligence on the part of an individual or corporation, the result is that you have had to seek medical attention and pay for medical services out of pocket, for a condition that you did not have prior to this incident.

A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You

You stopped at the bar on the way home, hung out with a few of your friends, and had a few drinks.  You’ve never thought twice about being able to drive home without any problems.  After all, you live right down the street.  You finished the last beer, and headed home.  You were driving too fast, didn’t see the cyclist, and could not hit the brake fast enough.  

You were afraid of what would happen if you stopped to talk to him about accidentally hitting him, so in a moment of panic you sped off.  But what you didn’t know is that someone else was watching the incident unfold and somehow managed to get your license plate information.  You were surprised to find that you had been charged with a hit and run.  

Let an Experienced Discrimination Attorney Explain Your Employee Rights

What is the opposite of discrimination?  Working in an environment that provides acceptance for who you are, without punishing you for being different in some way or another from others in your place of employment.  The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination was created to ensure your protection from all forms of discrimination that can occur, whether you are looking for employment or are currently employed.

You may be in a situation where you’re wondering if you’re experiencing a form of discrimination.  You may not have had any experience with this kind of thing before.  You may have even laughed in disbelief when others have shared how they have been “discriminated” against, believing that they were probably just blowing the whole situation out of proportion.  How do you know if you’ve experienced discrimination?

Meet with Your Attorney ASAP if Divorce is Immanent!  Time Will Work Against You

You should quickly decide to work with a divorce attorney for your Bergen County divorce .  You will need to get prepared to get the most out of your first appointment. Your attorney will probably want some documents that are specific to your particular case. Every situation will be somewhat different.

There are other documents, however, that a family law attorney will generally need to see in every divorce or child custody case. In general, its a good idea to bring the following to your first appointment with an attorney:

There Is No Reason For You To Go Through a Divorce Without Help From An Experienced Attorney

Whether you were served with divorce papers or you are the one seeking a divorce, this can be a very long and difficult process for all parties involved, especially if there are children caught in the middle.  

Unfortunately, it is all too common for the two people divorcing to allow their emotions to dictate their actions, which they often regret afterward.  A lawyer is available to help sort through the issues that are most important to you, and to assist you in making appropriate preparations for the new life you will now have.  It is understandable that you desire to protect your financial stability, and this is why it is especially important for you to hire a divorce attorney.  This way, you not only desire to have your and your children’s best interests being represented, but you will have peace of mind knowing that someone is working to protect your rights, your assets and your financial future.  Having a divorce lawyer will actually protect your ability to stay financially stable once the divorce process is completed.Once you know that divorce is the next step, it is important for you to hire a family lawyer to be your guide, protector, and defender.  Here are some tips for finding a divorce/family lawyer that is a good fit for you.

    Getting a Divorce In NJ Can Be Very Fast……Or Not.

    You’ve tried everything, but you really need to end your marriage.  Or, you don’t really want the marriage to end, but your spouse has decided for both of you.  Now that the decision has been made, you’d like to get it behind you as fast as possible.  

    https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wyUjl6kBzOg/USwMplIwOXI/AAAAAAAAEuo/zLAv9iNzi5M/s320/Screen+Shot+2013-02-25+at+5.14.15+PM.pngAs with most things having to do with law and courts and public servants, not to mention your spouse and his or her attorney, Many, many factors will contribute to either speeding things along or dragging things out for months or even years.  The major factors are:

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