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sad-kid Is Your Ex Taking Advantage of You?  Child Visitation Rights after Divorce in NJ

The first place to secure visitation rights is during the negotiations leading up to your final divorce decree.  If you are not going to have primary physical custody, then you are going to want to maximize the amount of time you can spend with your children.

Even if you are going to be the primary care provider, and the kids will be with you most of the time, getting a clear understanding of when your ex can visit is one of the most important parts of the process of your divorce

custody divorce lawyers bergen county

 Who Gets Custody of Your Children in New Jersey and WHY?

As Bergen County divorce lawyers, we want you to understand your rights when it comes to how the courts will determine custody.

If you are confused about the standard custody plan, listen up: Contrary to popular belief, there is no “standard” custody and visitation plan in Bergen County, or anywhere in New Jersey. Your arrangement will be based on your family. A number of factors will be considered. The court’s standard in child custody cases is “the best interests of the child”.  In determining the best interests of the child, the court considers a number of factors including the home environments, the ages of the children, their relationship to each parent, the parents’ willingness to cooperate with one another, and other factors. A divorce lawyer will build a case for you based on your desires for custody and visitation, and what you feel is in the best interests of your children.The court will use the “best interest” factors to determine legal custody, physical custody, and visitation. Legal custody refers to who makes major decisions, and in New Jersey, this is commonly shared. Physical custody refers to the parent who the children live with most of the time. Visitation refers to the time spent with the parent who does not have physical custody.

Gay Marriage in NJ is in the courts.

As same-sex couples in New Jersey await the supreme court’s decision on same-sex marriage, it is still not legal for gay and lesbian couples to have the full range of legal benefits of marriage, but civil unions are recognized in the state of New Jersey, offering many of the protections of marriage.

Ed Murray / The Star-Ledger

It is looking more like legal recognition of gay marriage may be in the cards for New Jersey, changing the game for family lawyers like ours in Bergen County who represent same sex couples.
Check out the full article:

Amick: Supreme Court cases could improve odds for same-sex marriage in New Jersey at NJ.com

“Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Trenton), the first openly gay member of the New Jersey Legislature, has introduced a bill that would ask the state’s voters next November to approve same-sex marriage. He was inspired by the success of similar referendums last month in Maine, Maryland and Washington, and the rapid shift of public opinion in the direction of marriage equality.
However, his idea was quickly smacked down by leaders of his own party, which controls the Legislature, and by New Jersey’s leading gay-rights activist, Steven Goldstein. They oppose it on principle, arguing that a basic civil right, marriage, shouldn’t be put to a public vote. They also cite the practical fear that right-wing organizations, with no presidential election on the ballot to occupy them, would flood the state’s airwaves with millions of dollars’ worth of divisive and even homophobic messages against the referendum.”

Contact our New Jersey Family Law Attorneys

For legal help with civil unions, domestic partnerships, or other issues affecting same-sex couples in New Jersey, contact Aretsky & Aretsky by e-mail or call 201-445-5856


“Christmas is the best holiday for us. We’ll invited lots of people and have ridiculous amounts of food and drinks… Very traditional, very Italian — it’s loud at our house.” 

– Melissa Gorga,The Gorga family, currently promoting their work-in-progress marital advice book Love, Italian Style: The Secrets of My Hot and Happy Marriage released their family Christmas photo to US Magazine. Some say the Gorga’s high profile marital advice book comes as a slap in the face to sister-in-law Teresa Giudice, and is likely to cause more family disputes in the already troubled family.

Teresa is reportedly facing a tough holiday right now, as tensions mount between her and husband Joe, with rumors circulating that a divorce may be in the works. Teresa Giudice also released Christmas photos, but hers were notably lacking herself and husband Joe, featuring instead the four girls in a series of staged Christmas scenes.

Child Custody and Visitation: Settling issues of child custody and visitation can be complicated and difficult when a same sex relationship ends.

Did you know?…

A non-biological parent who has provided for and bonded with a child while in a familial relationship can petition the court for visitation rights if the case can be made that you have been a “psychological parent” for the child.

melissa+gorga+bergen+county+divorce+lawyer“I can’t tell you how many times Joe and I are approached by fans asking how they can have a marriage like ours. A great marriage doesn’t just happen. It’s a job.” Melissa Gorga

On the heels of the high-profile gossip that her sister-in-law Teresa Giudice is planning to divorce her husband Joe,  Real Housewives of New Jersey star Melissa Gorga has revealed she is writing a marital advice book, with the goal of preventing divorce. Does it come too late to save her sister-in-law’s marriage?

See the full story on the NJ.com celebrity gossip blog. 

As same-sex couples in New Jersey await the supreme court’s decision on same-sex marriage,

New Jersey gay and lesbian couples still do not have the full range of legal benefits of marriage. Civil unions are recognized in the state of New Jersey, offering many of the protections of marriage.

Our Bergen County family lawyers have been on the leading edge of family law cases involving same sex couples in New Jersey. We understand the challenges you face and can provide legal solutions to protect you, your family, and your finances.

“TRENTON, N.J. (CBSNewYork/AP) — Gay rights activists in New Jersey hope the U.S. Supreme Court will establish a constitutional right to gay marriage and end a prohibition in that state.

As 1010 WINS’ Sonia Rincon reported, the Supreme Court on Friday agreed to take up the California ban on same-sex unions, as well as a separate New York case about federal benefits for legally married gay couples.

We don’t have marriage equality in New Jersey yet,” said Steven Goldstein, chairman of Garden State Equality. “If the Supreme Court rules all the way, as in marriage equality has to be legal in the United States of America, we have marriage equality in New Jersey.”

New Jersey is one of four states offering civil unions and one of ten states providing spousal rights to same sex couples. Under New Jersey law, a civil union is equivalent to a marriage. Currently, since civil unions are not recognized by the federal government, gay and lesbian couples are not afforded the same federal benefits and protections.

And they face possible legal problems when traveling, living, or working in other states. As a Bergen County family lawyer, we can help you understand these risks, and your rights under state and federal law.

At the Ridgewood law office of Aretsky and Aretsky, our attorneys have been on the leading edge of family law cases involving same sex couples in New Jersey. We understand the challenges you face and can provide legal solutions to protect you, your family, and your finances.

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