Who Gets Custody of Your Children in New Jersey and WHY?
As Bergen County divorce lawyers, we want you to understand your rights when it comes to how the courts will determine custody.
If you are confused about the standard custody plan, listen up: Contrary to popular belief, there is no “standard” custody and visitation plan in Bergen County, or anywhere in New Jersey. Your arrangement will be based on your family. A number of factors will be considered. The court’s standard in child custody cases is “the best interests of the child”. In determining the best interests of the child, the court considers a number of factors including the home environments, the ages of the children, their relationship to each parent, the parents’ willingness to cooperate with one another, and other factors. A divorce lawyer will build a case for you based on your desires for custody and visitation, and what you feel is in the best interests of your children.The court will use the “best interest” factors to determine legal custody, physical custody, and visitation. Legal custody refers to who makes major decisions, and in New Jersey, this is commonly shared. Physical custody refers to the parent who the children live with most of the time. Visitation refers to the time spent with the parent who does not have physical custody.