
I’ve Been Charged With a Hit And Run

A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You

You stopped at the bar on the way home, hung out with a few of your friends, and had a few drinks.  You’ve never thought twice about being able to drive home without any problems.  After all, you live right down the street.  You finished the last beer, and headed home.  You were driving too fast, didn’t see the cyclist, and could not hit the brake fast enough.  
You were afraid of what would happen if you stopped to talk to him about accidentally hitting him, so in a moment of panic you sped off.  But what you didn’t know is that someone else was watching the incident unfold and somehow managed to get your license plate information.  You were surprised to find that you had been charged with a hit and run.  
You didn’t mean for it to get to this.  You now wish you had stopped – now what are you supposed to do?  Should you do nothing and hope it goes away?  

Absolutely not.

A hit and run incident can be defined as running into a pedestrian, property, or another vehicle and then leaving the scene of the accident without leaving any of your contact information.  The penalties can include heavy fines and even imprisonment, but vary across the states.  One thing you can be sure of is that if you fled the scene of one of these types of accidents and were later caught, this incident will be kept on your driving record.
Ignoring the consequences you now face will only make matters worse.  You are walking into a lose-lose situation, based on the fact that not only are you facing charges for reckless driving, but you have no one legally representing you.  Having a lawyer by your side is the only way to face the music.
We have the answers for your questions.

  1. What are my rights?
  2. Will I have to do jail time?
  3. Is there a fine I will have to pay?
  4. Will I lose my license?
  5. Will I have to pay damages to the people/property involved?
  6. Is there a way to get my charges reduced or even reversed?

You made a mistake – there’s no reason to make another one.  Call us today to set up a consultation so we can look at the facts of your case and make a plan that will protect your interests.

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