
New Jersey Lawyer Blog


You May Be Liable for Spouse’s Credit Card Debt

Creditors Could Come After Your Assets So you and your spouse have decided to part ways and begin to live separate lives. One spouse begins to rack up credit card debt during massive shopping sprees. The other spouse doesn’t worry because separate lives means separate financial obligations, right? Not necessarily.…


Your Teen’s Tweets Could Cause Legal Trouble

Are teens using Twitter Responsibly? We’re definitely treading on unchartered territory when it comes to the social networking site Twitter. Last week, we talked abut tweets that could land you in prison. And now we’re back to tell you the news doesn’t get any better when it comes to your…


Tweeting the Wrong Message Can Get You Arrested

A threatening tweet can be considered a crime Tweeting is protected under the First Amendment freedom of speech rights, but there are exceptions, especially when security is at stake. An Alabama man is awaiting sentencing next month after pleading guilty to threatening to kill President Obama in a series of…


Getting a Criminal Record Expunged

You can request to have your records deleted It goes without saying that a criminal record can ruin your chances for getting a job, a rental home or even a date. Your criminal record is a matter of public record, but there are certain instances when you may be able…


A Traffic Ticket Might Cost You Way More than You Think

Why Would I Bother Hiring A Traffic Defense Lawyer? You just got a ticket for speeding.  It isn’t your first, but you’re not too worried about it.  You figure all you need to do is pay for it and move on.  But is that all there is to it?  No.…


Can an officer force you to take a blood test during a DUI stop?

Supreme Court bars officers from forcing blood tests on most DUI suspects Police officers can no longer force people suspected of driving while drunk to take a blood alcohol test without a warrant. Officers must request a search warrant with corroborating evidence if the motorist declines a blood test during…


Do I Need a Lawyer if I Was Caught Shoplifting?

Shoplifting is a Serious Offense in NJ Shoplifting is a very serious offense.   Depending on the facts of your case you might go to jail, although fines or community service are more likely.  Whatever your sentence turns out to be, however, if you are found guilty, you are now…


A Speeding Ticket Will Cost You More Than Just Money

Bergen County Traffic Defense Attorney Explains Consequences of Speeding Tickets The New Jersey traffic laws may seem silly to you, but they are in place for a reason: mainly, your safety and the safety of others. Most people do not give much thought to receiving a speeding ticket.  Even though…


New Jersey Texting and Driving Law Update 2013

Texting and Driving:  Do You Know What Will Happen To You? A recent article was written to address updated laws to address the growing problem of driving and texting related accidents on the road.  New Jersey is steadily moving to become the toughest state on distracted drivers, specifically aimed at those…


Divorce: Is It The Only Option?

Bergen County Divorce Lawyer Discusses Alternatives to Divorce You remember your wedding day with fondness and cherished memories.  You started out together with such similar life goals and dreams.  You had no idea that you could actually grow apart over time.  When you said your vows to stay married through…

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