
New Jersey Lawyer Blog


January is Popular Divorce Month in New Jersey

According to many legal experts in New Jersey, January is the most popular month for divorce to occur. Nationally, the divorce filing rate in January is one third higher than the rate in other months. In fact, Google searches for divorce related topics have peaked in January, historically between the…


What You Need to Know About NJ’s New Drunk Driving Penalties

On December 1, New Jersey introduced a new law governing penalties for drunk drivers. About the Regulations The new regulations limit suspensions for first time offenders with a BAC below .15%. Instead, these drivers must install in-car breathalyzers that prevent vehicles from moving if the driver has a BAC of…


Equitable Distribution vs Community Property in a Divorce

Arguably, the equitable division of shared assets is one of the primary concerns that couples consider when proceeding with a divorce. According to New Jersey law, equitable distribution is defined as the “distribution of the property, both real and personal, which was legally and beneficially acquired by them or either…


Eighteen New Jersey Medical Professionals Face Charges

Eighteen New Jersey medical professionals have faced legal trouble during the past year due to reasons such as opioid, sex, fraud, or stabbing charges involving patients. Some of these cases include a registered nurse who stabbed a 10-year old autistic child with a needle when he was behaving disruptively. The…


Understanding Joint Custody in a Divorce

When pursuing a divorce, child custody is one of the primary factors to consider for parents. Historically, women in the United States have traditionally assumed the role of primary caretaker following a divorce. However, this trend has changed, which has opened up a larger dialogue and debate about the pros…


Understanding Low-Conflict & High-Conflict Divorces

As with any relationship-conflict, divorces exist on a wide spectrum of high and low conflict. Generally, many low-conflict marriages can result in low-impact divorces, while high-conflict marriages typically lead to high-conflict divorces. When trying to assess the conflict level of your relationship with a partner that you are going through…


Newark Nursing Home Assistant Charged with Death of 85-Year Old Resident

Newark, NJ citizen and nursing home assistant Monique Beaucejourwas recently charged for the manslaughter of 85-year old Fannie McClain, who perished while under Beaucejour’s care at Waterview Nursing Home in Cedar Grove, NJ. According to officials, Beaucejour was aware of McClain’s fall and consequent head injury on August 13, 2019.…


Governor Murphy Signs New Law to Impact Car Accident Injury Victims

New Jersey governor Phil Murphy recently passed a lawthat erases rules that previously “slammed New Jersey auto accident victims with up to $250,000 in medical bills” for accidents that were not the victim’s fault. The law is designed to help those who purchase cheaper auto insurance plans that can leave…


Schizophrenic Patient Dies from Starvation in New Jersey Medical Facility

After three months of hospitalization for schizophrenia, a 29-year old New Jersey resident Michael Vecchio has passed away after facing starvation for thirty days. Consequently, his mother Beth is suing the facility,Greystone Park psychiatric Hospital in Parsippany. The suit, filed by the patient’s mother, accuses the facility of wrongful death…


A Guide to Prenuptial Agreements in New Jersey

If you are entering a New Jersey marriage, it may be wise to consider a pre-nuptial agreement before officially tying the knot. What is a Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement is a popular way to safeguard your assets and financial security in the event of a divorce. Prenuptial agreements protect…

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