
New Jersey Lawyer Blog


Family Lawyer Bergen County: Prenup 101: part 4- independent counsel

As divorce attorney Bergen County we often represent people in creating prenuptial agreements. Did you know that if you don’t each have your own lawyer when drawing up your prenuptial agreement, it will be unenforceable?  In creating a prenuptial agreement, both parties must have independent counsel. Many couples are under…


Family Lawyer Bergen County: Prenup 101: part 3- children

Are you planning to sit down with a family lawyer Bergen County before your marriage to create a prenuptial agreement? Children, whether born before or during the marriage, cannot be part of a prenuptial agreement. Issues relating to custody, visitation, and child support have to be settled at the time…


Divorce Attorney Bergen County: Prenup 101: part 2- enforceability

A family lawyer Bergen County can help make sure your interests are protected in your prenup, and that the agreement you make is one that will be enforceable in court. An oral contract is not sufficient. The agreement has to be in writing to be enforceable. Its important that both…


Family Lawyer Bergen County: Prenup 101: part 1

Many couples choose to consult a family lawyer Bergen County to create a prenuptial agreement before getting married. A prenuptial agreement, sometimes called a premarital agreement, antenuptial agreement, or “prenup” is a contract used by a couple to determine what each party’s rights and obligations will be if they ever…


Child support: How to find the latest info on your case

Our Hackensack divorce attorneys can help you if you believe your child support amount is unfair for any reason, if your ex has hired an attorney, if you have a business or other assets to protect, or if your ex is avoiding paying child support. Child support issues are not…


Divorce lawyer reveals how to obtain a restraining order

If your spouse has hurt you or threatened to hurt you, intentionally damaged your property, or repeatedly contacted you in a way that is annoying or intimidating, you may be able to get a restraining order against them. Our law firm serves many Fort Lee family law clients around these…


Three good reasons to seek an employment law attorney

As Bergen County employment law attorneys, we encounter all kinds of New Jersey employment concerns, from simple to unusual and complex.Here are some of common employment concerns that necessitate an attorney:1. Contact an attorney anytime you believe you were discriminated against on the basis of your race, nationality, sex, marital…


Timeframe for New Jersey divorce

Once they have made the difficult decision to get divorced, most people want it to be over as soon as possible. (If you are looking for a Ridgewood divorce attorney, see our website) The good news is that New Jersey does not have a waiting period for divorce, like some…


Debate over Alimony and Child Support laws heats up

Check out this article from The Jersey Journal about the debate over proposed law changes:Is alimony antiquated? Should child support depend on ability to pay? “There’s a chorus of people shouting that alimony is a leftover from an earlier society and awards are arbitrary and unfair. They don’t complain as…

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