
New Jersey Lawyer Blog


Handling Parental Alienation in New Jersey

Our New Jersey Divorce Lawyer Discusses the Issue of Parental Alienation Divorce is often contentious. When one of the parties harbors feelings of anger and betrayal, then it can lead to some degree of parental alienation. When that behavior becomes obsessive, true parental alienation occurs and can endanger the relationship with…


Legal Documents to Protect Your College-Bound Children

Important Legal Documents to Protect Your College-Bound Children As thousands of New Jersey parents and their college-bound children prepare for this exciting new experience, few are thinking about the legal documents that could help them continue to protect their children now that they are legally considered adults and on their own.…


Prenuptial Agreements For High-Asset Second Marriages in New Jersey

Prenups For High-Asset Second Marriages in the State of New Jersey As part of the New York Metropolitan Area, Bergen County is home to many high-income individuals. When these wealthy men and women marry for the second time, it is not unusual for one or both parties to have assets to…


Charged with DUI in Passaic County, New Jersey

Experienced DUI Lawyers in New Jersey Discuss What You Should Do When Charged with a DUI in Passaic County, New Jersey We all know that you should not drink and drive. The reality is, however, that people don’t always follow this good advice. Maybe you have a few beers at…


Pet Custody in New Jersey Divorce

Pet Custody in a New Jersey Divorce Who Keeps the Dog? Pet owners going through a New Jersey divorce are often dismayed to learn that their beloved pet, whom they consider a member of the family, will be treated no differently from a piece of furniture or a painting on…


Can You Still Get a Divorce in New Jersey if Your Spouse Won’t Respond?

Your Spouse Does Not Respond to Divorce Papers: Can You Still Get Your New Jersey Divorce? After months of careful consideration—and procrastination—you decide that divorce is really what you want. You meet with an experienced New Jersey divorce lawyer. After confirming that you have lived in the state for more…


Leaving the Family Home Before Your New Jersey Divorce Is Final

If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, your instinct might be to move. Maybe you want to avoid the arguing and bickering that contributed to the breakup of your marriage. If you were the one who initiated the divorce, you might want to alleviate your spouse’s discomfort of…


Prospective Retirement as a Reason to Terminate Alimony in New Jersey

With New Jersey’s Alimony Reform Act of September 2014, the burden of proof in showing why alimony should or should not end with retirement shifted from the payor to the recipient. Before that date the payor had to show why alimony should end at retirement. After that date, it became…


New Jersey Divorce: The Importance of a Detailed Parenting Plan

Creating a workable parenting plan when your marriage is about to end is crucial. A detailed, viable plan can ensure that your parenting rights are protected and that the needs of your children are met. By law, all New Jersey child custody and parenting plans must be in the best…


Emancipation in New Jersey: Daughter Sues Divorced Parents for College Expenses

New Jersey family law upholds the belief that parents have the responsibility to provide their unemancipated children with support for a college education to the best of their abilities. The Appellate Division of New Jersey recently published a decision that dealt with the question of whether or not the divorced…

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