
Semi-Truck Accident Caught on Video Will Shock You

Semi Trailer Truck Accidents Are Among Worst for Injuries

You probably learned this in Drivers’ Training, and maybe you’ve seen it on a bumper sticker, but this word to the wise can never be repeated too frequesntly: whenever you are driving anywhere next to or behind a semi trailer truck, if you can’t see the driver in his mirror, he probably can’t see you.  Most accidents between a semi truck and another vehicle are not nearly as dramatic as the one below.
About once every six – ten years, you are going to be involved in some kind of car accident, truck accident.  When that happens to you or a friend, please call our personal injury attorneys for help.  We offer you a huge difference from others.  Our senior attorneys will speak to you directly about your case.  We are small enough to care.   Call Now at  201-580-3411
Please don’t try to go it alone with the insurance company claims adjuster.  They have only one goal.  To limit or deny your claim.  They don’t care at all about your rightful repayment.  They are paid to keep costs low.  You need a skilled and experienced negotiator who knows just how far the insurance company will go on a case like yours.
Call us and discuss your situation.  There is no cost or obligation for that initial call, and all personal injury cases are taken on contingency.  That means – You don’t pay us anything until you are paid.

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