
Shoplifting is serious! Bergen County Shoplifting Defense Attorney

When most people think of shoplifting, they picture kids. However, retail theft charges are regularly brought against people of all ages, races, and income levels. Shoplifting can result in serious criminal charges.

Depending on the value of the merchandise, you may be facing a misdemeanor or a felony charge.

At the New Jersey criminal defense firm of Aretsky & Aretsky (also specialized divorce attorney Bergen County) , we have more than fifteen years of experience successfully representing people charged with shoplifting in New Jersey municipal courts. Contact us to learn how we can help reduce damage to your reputation and your record.

We know you want to move forward with life, and we want to help. We work closely with our clients to understand their situation and the circumstances that led up to the shoplifting charge so that we can build a strong case in their defense, or minimize damages.

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