Our team of experienced and knowledgeable attorneys are dedicated to serving the needs of our clients. With convenient locations throughout the state, we are able to represent clients in all areas of New Jersey.
PartnersEric J. Aretsky, co-founder and managing partner of Aretsky Law Group, is well respected in the legal community. With more than 25 years of experience, his primary areas of practice are personal injury, divorce and family law, and criminal and traffic defense
Dolores L. Aretsky, co-founder and partner in the firm, also has over 25 years of legal experience. She specializes in divorce and family law, and workers’ compensation.
Our Of Counsel team comprises Natalee Picillo, Armando R. Horta, Sarah Gloates Horta, Jonathan Mincis, and David H. Dumbroff. These seasoned and distinguishe dattorneys bring a wide range of expertise to the firm.
Practice AreasAttorneys at Aretsky Law Group represent clients in the following areas and their sub-categories: