The Oak Ridge attorneys from Aretsky Law Group, P.C. have worked hard to achieve their reputation as well-respected attorneys. They continue to work hard to maintain that respect. Having the respect of clients, other attorneys, and judges means that you, as a client of Aretsky Law Group, P.C. will be treatead with respect. The attorneys from Aretsky Law Group treat each client as they would want to be treated. The level of respect, coupled with an individualized approach to every case, fosters open and honest communication. Good communication is a critical component to achieving the best result for the client.
Issues Concerning Oak Ridge Family Law The family law attorneys at Aretsky Law Group, P.C. have significant experience representing clients from Oak Ridge in various family law matters. Family law matters include divorce, alimony, child custody, child support, adoption, surrogacy, juvenile criminal defense, and domestic violence issues. Family law disputes can be highly stressful and frustrating for everyone involved. Aretsky Law Group is determined to resolve your matter efficiently, and in your best interest, so you can put the problem behind you and move on with your life.
Every person has the right to have a child. That right is inalienable and irrevocable. A child custody order, to some extent, interferes with a person’s right to raise their children. Child custody can be joint, sole with parenting time granted to the noncustodial parent, or some other arrangement. The New Jersey legislature in 9:2-4 mandates a judge to analyze several factors before reaching a determination. The factors are concerned with how the parents get along with each other and their children, their employment situation, living situation, and any other issue the court deems relevant. After analyzing those factors, the court makes a custody order in the best interest of the child in question.
Custody orders are not necessarily final and can be revisited if a change in circumstance arises.
Child Support Orders in Oak RidgeHaving a child comes with a tremendous responsibility that falls upon both parents. A child’s parents have an obligation to raise their children into adulthood showing them love, care, compassion, and teaching them right from wrong and so forth. Parents also have a duty to care for their children financially. Consequently, the noncustodial parent pays the custodial parent child support. A judge arrives at the child support figure after applying New Jersey’s child support guidelines to the facts of the case.
As with child custody, child support orders can be amended from time to time as the needs of the children and other circumstances change.
Oak Ridge Divorce CasesGetting divorced is relatively simple in New Jersey. If one spouse no longer wishes to be married, then that spouse can file a petition based on irreconcilable differences in Superior Court. The judge will grant a divorce if the parties have lived apart for longer than six months and there is no chance of them reconciling.
The challenging, and most contentious, an element of a divorce, after child custody and support, is property division. Marital property is usually divided equitably, and property that was brought into the marriage as separate property and remained separate will revert to the original owner. Examples of marital property are the real property owned by the couple before the divorce, bank accounts, pensions, retirement accounts, intellectual property, and marital debt.
Whether alimony should be granted and if so, the amount and duration is another highly contentious issue. Alimony, or maintenance payments as they are sometimes called, seeks to keep the parties in the same financial position as when they were married. Issues surrounding alimony are very complicated and require the assistance of competent and experienced counsel to resolve. For more information regarding divorce in Oak Ridge, view our Oak Ridge Divorce page.
Oak Ridge Personal Injury Claims Personal injury claims arise when they are least expected. Very few people prepare for the possibility that an accident could occur that causes severe injuries or death. The victims and their families are caught off guard and struggle to pay for medical bills and other costs, while desperately trying to determine how they can replace the paycheck the injured person once brought home. It is not easy. The Oak Ridge personal injury attorneys at Aretsky Law Group, P.C. comprehend those difficulties and work diligently and efficiently to resolve your personal injury case quickly while maximizing your recovery for your auto accident, truck accident, slip and fall, wrongful death, premises liability, defective product, or another personal injury claim. You should note, however, that the time to file a personal injury claim is limited. Therefore, you must act fast to preserve your rights.
Regrettably, auto accidents occur frequently and are most often caused by the negligence of another driver. Rarely do pure accidents take place. Rather, someone was either driving unsafely by failing to follow the rules of the road, driving while distracted, or driving while impaired. A car crash victim in Oak Ridge injured through no fault of their own may receive damages for pain and suffering, medical bills future medical expenses, lost wages, loss of potential future income, and permanent damages suffered in an accident. It should be noted that a number of damages you could receive depends on various considerations.
Oak Ridge Medical Malpractice ClaimsWe are extremely fortunate in the United States to have access to some of the world’s best health care treatment. It is truly mind boggling, however, to consider that medical malpractice is the third leading killer of people in the United States. Medical malpractice falls right behind cancer and heart disease by killing 250,000 people every year. Medical malpractice can include misdiagnosis, failure to diagnose, delay in diagnosis, making errors when reviewing test results, surgical errors, and prescribing or administering the wrong medication.
Medical malpractice cases are highly technical matters that require expert testimony to explain why the treating health care provider failed to satisfy the duty of care owed to the patient. Therefore, you should only trust your medical malpractice case to competent, experienced, and skill Oak Ridge medical malpractice attorneys.
Why Choose Aretsky Law Group, P.C.?The Oak Ridge attorneys from Aretsky Law Group, P.C. are dedicated to the success of their clients’ cases. The personal dedication shows in their work and their results. Call Aretsky Law Group, P.C. today at 800-537-4154 to schedule your initial consultation or a case review. You can visit us at our main office or any one of our meeting places conveniently located throughout New Jersey. Call today, and find out how dedication, individualized attention, and respect can make the difference for you with your Oak Ridge legal claim.